
the brief

motion graphics • audio recording

Discovery supported employment are a fantastic company helping people with learning difficulties into full time employment. 

They came to me and asked me to create an informational video showcasing the support they could offer employers in bringing a more diverse workforce. They wanted a short but information full video to send directly to potential employers to explain exactly how their business could help embed those with LD into their companies as valued employees.

Using simple, clean characters and animation style I used different shapes to show diversity through the characters.  Feed back has been hugely positive 

Discovery Supported employment Characters


Visual Pickle completed an outstanding video for our service, we needed to get the message out to a wider audience in a fun and creative way. Visual Pickle was able to understand the key points and who we were targeting. The outcome was fantastic and I am really proud to use the video on our website and across all social media platforms.

Shona Howes
Supported Employment Manager