
the brief

logo design • branding • promotional material • marketing campaign • digital design • POS

Whilst working for Atlantic Group I was tasked with creating the branding and marketing campaign to promote their new reusable coffee mug scheme. 

The campaign was targeted at students and was to be rolled out across all the food and beverage sites on campus. 

In order to ensure the best reach I thought a cross platform approach would be best. So I created content for all social media platforms, including a facebook photo filter (similar to the infamous snapchat filters) as well as print based marketing to be used in communal areas of the campus and POS items. 

Using a playful type face a bright colour palette allowed the design to stand out from other, more corporate university materials.

Smugness Logo Design
Smugness Brand Palette

campaign voice

For the social media campaign I created the tagline ‘show us your sMUG face’.

Using the smile logo icon I created various promotional material that could be used in selfies and shared across social media in order to win prizes and give the campaign some organic growth and increased engagement.

This included a facebook filter that could be downloaded and used directly from your phone camera, smiles on sticks for point of sale and window graphics.

Smugness Photo Filter Iphone
Smugness social media campaign

point of sale

For the point of sale I used the tagline ‘sMUG or Mug’ this was designed to act as a reminder to students on campus and add an air of fun, don’t be a mug by forgetting your re-usable mug.

I created table talkers and also sprinkle stencils that could be used on top of coffees once ordered!

Smugness Smug Coffee Sprinkles
Smugness Table Talker